De-toxing the home

As my little pumpkin learnt to crawl, I started to think about how close she was to the floor. How she breathed in everything, her skin touched everything. With all the household cleaning products we have available, I was concerned. For a little while I started using some organic cleaners, but I wasn't satisfied with the cleaning. Then I came across a recommendation - water, vinegar and organic essential oils. One of the best cleaning products I have ever come across!

In addition, I make a mix of water, vinegar and peppermint oil in a spray bottle and use it for dusting. The house cleans well, and it smells wonderful - naturally :)

My pantry is never without the following oils:

- Peppermint: Refreshing and a bug deterrent
- Tea Tree Oil: Antibacterial properties and antiseptic
- Patchouli: Lovely aroma, great for the skin and has an uplifting fragrance
- Lavender: Calming oil


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