Milk Cookies with Strawberries

My daughters calcium intake is constantly a source of concern for me. She's not a big fan of cows milk or milk powder. I tried to use Nido and sadly she rejected that too. I hated the thought of wasting the whole box so I tried to make cookies out of it. And who knew, she loved it!!!!

8 tbsp Nido (or any other milk powder)
2 tbsp wheat flour1/2 tsp baking powder
3 tsp honey
8 strawberries (add more if you want a stronger taste of strawberries)
1 egg
2 tsp butter
1 tbsp olive oil

In a bowl, add milk powder, wheat flour and baking powder. Heat the strawberries in very little water and put in chopper to make into smooth paste. Transfer strawberries back to pot and add butter, honey and olive oil. Let the mixture cool (if the mix stays warm, the egg will get cooked and cookies will have an eggy smell). Beat an egg and mix in the dry ingredients. Then add the strawberry mix. On a baking tray spray baking oil. Spoon out the cookie mix with teaspoons and place on tray. Bake at 120 degree C for around 30 minutes.


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